Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mockingjay Split into Two Movies??

Here's something other than the news about the Mortal Instruments casting of Simon, because you guys have probably heard that about ten billion times today.
Instead, let me talk about how Mockingjay is going to be split into two movies.

Yes, you heard correctly. Mockingjay, the third book in The Hunger Games trilogy, is going to be split into two parts, following in the wake of Breaking Dawn and Deathly Hallows.

Remember when WB announced Deathly Hallows  was going to be split and we were all outraged? We all thought it was a milk for money. However, when part two came out, we were all pretty happy. I mean, so much crap happens in that 700+ page book, it was understandable even if it was a greedy grab at extending the successful franchise.

Now, when that was announced to happen to Breaking Dawn, I was really mad. How could they do that to me? You know, I am apathetic about Twilight as much as the next person, but I enjoy participating in complaining how nothing happened in Breaking Dawn. If anything, Eclipse should have been turned into two parts. That was arguably the best book in the series.

That matter aside, I just wanted the movie franchise to end. So you see my problem with Mockingjay being in two parts.

Nothing happens in that book that you could possibly split that into two parts. I agree, the book is a bit bigger than the others, but it's still a fast read. This is obviously just trying to draw on the fact that The Hunger Games broke records. Understandable. It was awesome.

But it gets old. But also noted is that fans grow up. The longer you try to extend this, the more people lose interest. A lot of people would disagree, but you can't argue when I say that there were a lot of teenage girls at the midnight premiere. (I looked like a frickin pedophile there.)

And the last movie won't be released until November 2015!

So. Your thoughts? Are you happy to get two movies because you luuuuuurve the series, or are you like me and you want just one movie? And who wants to bet that they'll do this with the last book of the Divergent Trilogy as well?


  1. LOL, your posts crack me up. ---> (I looked like a frickin pedophile there.)

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. Mixed feelings I guess? If anything I wished they had made the first movie longer.

    1. I'm glad you like our posts, Lynn! You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you come back to our blog again and again. <3

      But yes. I wish they made the Hunger Games movie longer. I guess we can't truly judge until the date gets closer.

  2. Hmmm...not sure...I understand about spreading it out and people losing interest but Mockingjay is a pretty complicated book and I would like them to take their time with these movies; I'd hate to see them ruined like the first twilight movie, lol. Anyways I guess it just doesn't bother me :) Great post!!

    1. I agree that it is complicated. However, I don't want them to blow up things, make us all emotional, and then the screen goes black and says "TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO."

  3. Hmmm, this is the first I'd heard. It's been over a year since I read Mockingjay, but yeah, I'm not entirely sure why it needs to be broken up. Harry Potter totally made sense, and while I haven't seen the movies, breaking up Breaking Dawn made sense based on the book. But I can't remember there really being enough to break up Mockingjay into two reasonable movies, unless they're planning on altering the story. Plus, I refuse to see movie-halves until the whole is released (well, probably, I did enjoy the first movie as well as the book trilogy, so I *might* give in...).

    1. Yeah, it's pretty smart to wait until both are released! I did that with Harry Potter and I had a marathon from movie 1 to movie 7 part two. It was tiring but awesome. Frickin awesome.

  4. I'm not sure splitting it into two would be justified. It sure was for Deathly Hallows, which was quite a long read; here, it's not the case. (But I can already foresee *where* the split would be... can we say 'on a cliffhanger involving a certain person coming back'?).

    1. Ugh, sadly I think you're right. In cinematic terms I think that would be okay, but I don't understand why it has to be split, in all honesty.

      Thanks for commenting!
