Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Review War
This is hosted on Cuddlebuggery. Head on over there to win a signed copy of Delirium. Also, win a signed copy of Pandemonium below!
The players
In one corner we have Cuddlebuggery’s own Grand Madam Queen Mistress of the Universe, Kat Kennedy! And in the other corner we have first time guest to Cuddlebuggery, hailing from Wake Up at Seven, Princess of Darkness, Isabelle Doan!
I expect a nice and dirty fight ladies. Hold no punches and take no prisoners!
Kat Kennedy: This Kat Kennedy here with Isabelle Doan from Wake Up at Seven Blog and we’ll be discussing Delirium by Lauren Oliver today – or more importantly, why I thought Delirium was seriously flawed and why Izzy is WRONG. Or, you know, on the opposite side of that argument…
Isabelle Doan: I may be the underdog here, Kat, but Delirium was probably one of my favorite reads of 2012 so far.
Kat Kennedy: I honestly can’t see why but I am at
least willing to pretend to listen to your argument. As far as
Dystopians go – it would scarcely be rated among the best of them.
Isabelle Doan:
If you’re willing to pretend then I’ll join your imaginary
playhouse. And to be honest, I can see why this wouldn’t be a great dystopian but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great novel.
Kat Kennedy: I’m not wailing on Lauren Oliver – I
have a lot of respect for her as an author but the world building was
really weak and inconsistent for me. And since it is very firmly a
dystopian – I felt that was a let down. Also – my imaginary
playhouse is awesome.
Isabelle Doan:
I’ll agree to that, Kat. As I said in my review, these people still
have ibuprofen when they have a freaking cure for love. However, the
characters really helped to bring us into this inconsistent world, AS YOU SO CALL IT.
And your playhouse is a cardboard box.

Isabelle Doan: Well if it has manly alcohol, I’ll retract my statement.
Kat Kennedy: And that’s all that matters. Look,
the characters were okay. I felt the main protagonist was nicely
fleshed out but they’re not really enough for me to patch up the shaky
world building. Alex is very flimsy in his characterization.
Isabelle Doan:
Alex is maybe flimsy, but I feel that he has something good that will
happen to him in Pandemonium. As you can see, he’s not revealing
all of his secrets- yet. Perhaps Lauren Oliver is setting us up for
an amazing second novel. He’s a tortured character, and that’s
Kat Kennedy: Oliver has writing chops – there is
no doubt. But I don’t think setting up for a second novel really
excuses an awkward first one. I will grant that he is a bit deeper
than many male protagonists. And I DID enjoy Lena though I felt her backstory was a bit of a copout on Oliver’s part.
Isabelle Doan: What part of it did you think was awkward, Miss Kat?
Kat Kennedy: Well, like I said, the world building
was inconsistent, I didn’t think Alex was very well characterized
and I think Oliver bit off more than she could chew in regards to the
philosophical aspect of a society without love. For me, it made
for a vaguely unfulfilling, frustrating reading experience.
Isabelle Doan:
Vaguely unfulfilling? This isn’t a Twinkie, Kat! (Although I could go
for one right now.) And the philosophical part is interesting. No
love doesn’t mean people are selfish, if that’s what you mean.
Kat Kennedy: No, I mean in the nurturing
department and people not by psychopaths. But that’s kind of a lot
to get into. What did you think about the writing? Did the language
and the technique do it for you?
Isabelle Doan:
Well, I think Lauren Oliver is awesome with a pen, although the
similes were too frequent, so it felt like I was just reading words
on a page sometimes. If you ever get that feeling. And sometimes
they were awkward.
Kat Kennedy: I get the feeling that I’m reading words on a page a lot. Like, all the time. Like, every time I crack open a book, BAM! Words on a page. Disgraceful….
Yeah, I generally have to agree – but I’m not going to complain much – she’s pretty proficient and she has a smooth style.
Isabelle Doan: You have killed my pride. Prepare to die.
Kat Kennedy: In a knife fight?
Isabelle Doan: I was thinking more gouging your eyes out with rusty spoons, but that works too.
Kat Kennedy: You should have those violent tendencies checked out. Maybe your weren’t cuddled enough as a child.
I just don’t think Oliver realistically explored this concept of a loveless society.
Isabelle Doan:
The teenagers and children care for each other, though. As you can
see, Lena cared for her little niece Gracie. So it’s not as if the
children are completely devoid of love.
Kat Kennedy: Yeah, but that’s the thing – we have
no real basis to fall on because Lena was raised by a nurturing,
loving mother. And her entire family is filled with sympathizers.
What about a child that experiences no love? Anywhere. From anyone?
Because children don’t necessarily make good primary caregivers and solid attachments for other children.
Isabelle Doan:
If I’m not mistaken, Hana was one of those children. Which is why
she’s such a maverick when it comes to see what’s on the other side.
Literally, and figuratively.
Kat Kennedy: But that’s the thing – she’s
completely normal. I wonder if Oliver truly understand attachment
or not. I don’t know if she has kids.
But there wasn’t any exploration of the psychological effects of that kind of childhood.
And I don’t buy that “normal” is the status quo.
Isabelle Doan: Okay, so maybe normal isn’t the status quo. But maybe the effects of “not being cuddled enough” are?
Kat Kennedy: Well, I don’t know. On a scale of 1-10 how psychopathic are you?
Isabelle Doan:
Well if one is, trips people on the street and ten is being like one
of those zombie cannibals on bath salts – I would have to say 4.
Kat Kennedy: You threatened to cut my eyes out with a rusty spoon! A five at least.
Isabelle Doan: I won’t go higher than six. Six is creating 27 accounts on goodreads to harass other authors and promote my book.
Kat Kennedy: Oh my goodness. You just went there.
Okay, I think this wraps up that discussion! I will be reading Pandemonium though to see if you’re right about it!
If not, I’m coming back to get you!
Isabelle Doan: Yes ma’am. But not if the zombie cannibals get you first.
Kat Kennedy: Damn those zombie cannibals!
Giveaway rules:
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- We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
- The giveaway is open to everyone, US and international!
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- Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments!
- Also, please understand that we reserve the right to disqualify any entries we find gaming the system. Cheaters never prosper!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks again to Kat and Stephanie of Cuddlebuggery who worked so hard to put this together. Kindness just amazes me. You're the best-est-est-est.
Thanks again to Kat and Stephanie of Cuddlebuggery who worked so hard to put this together. Kindness just amazes me. You're the best-est-est-est.
Great review war! You and Kat made me laugh so much. :D
ReplyDeleteRegarding the book, I can't decide which side I'm on. I'm in the middle of it myself and I still can't decide if I like it or not. There are parts where I go through the pages feverishly and yet I don't hesitate to put it down either.
Yeah, this book is sort of a hit and miss with everyone.
DeleteThanks for commenting!
Great post!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the giveaway :3
You're welcome!
I don't even need to think about it, even if Kat put up a good fight. I'm on your side, Isabelle :) Have you read Pandemonium yet? I thought it was great and I ended up with having quite the dilemma after having finished it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I mustn't forget: Thank you for this wonderful giveaway and for making it international. I would love to have a signed copy in my hands. Not sure if we'll ever see Lauren Oliver here in Norway :)
You really should be thanking Kat and Stephanie over at Cuddlbuggery!
DeleteAnd no, I have not read Pandemonium! I really want to, though. So many books, so little time.
These .gifs are adorable. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI know right? I was crying when Kat posted these gifs. They were just too amazing for me.
I really just want to have a zombie conversation with you. Fer realzies.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read this YET.
But you told me to come to the dark side... so here I am. I expect you to teach me how to bake.
And thank you for the giveaway. <3
Yes. We have some vegan brownies here, if that's your thing.
DeleteI love Kat's goodreads reviews; I basically live by them. Anyways, I just recently found her book blog and learned of her friendship with you. Since she adores you I read some of your reviews and learned that you are just amazing...thank you for being awesome! Oh and thanks for the giveaway too! :)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say that she adores me, haha. It's more like we have a mutual like of making fun of people and good books.
This is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteNice, I'm kinda on the fence about the book. On one hand, it did enough of a job drawing me in that I totally didn't even think about a lot of the unrealistic things (like being raised by unaffectionate parents), but on the other hand, it was really predictable. I think I'd almost rather read about the history of this society, and get more information especially on how religion disappeared but yet the Bible's been twisted into a history of the cure.
ReplyDeleteLove the humorous review, and what's not to like about this amazing giveaway?! haha
ReplyDeleteI love Lauren Oliver!!! Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteYou just m\de my day. Thank you for that and also for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteHI! I love Lauren Oliver! Would love to win!