Kaede has news to bring to you guys today. I wish I could say there was a variety of bad and good news, however, there is not. There is only the bad with no good to balance it out. Well, there is some slight good in this. Curious? Read on.
I really wished you didn't have to though. I really wished this post didn't exist.
And I really wished I wasn't the one to construct this post. I really do. But we feel we owe it to you guys. The reason why our review archive has a lack of update, why the giveaway and blog tour banners have yet to disappear as they pass, and why even though we have a consistent amount of posts each week, THE REVIEW ARCHIVE STILL SUFFERS A LACK OF UPDATE. I'm sorry, that fact just royally annoys the hell out of me. The team at Wake Up at Seven apologizes from the bottom of our hearts.
So let's go back to the beginning...
So, Isabelle. You guys all know her, yes? The awesome one? The girl with the huge ( O_O ) stamp collection who is also thy admin for thy blog? And I'm sure you've also noticed an absence of posts from her too. Don't worry - I'll be bugging her so much it'll be enough for all of us. She'll be back around winter break. So remember to mark that date! *Kaede is very amused* So back on track - Isabelle is also the admin for Wake Up at Seven; meaning she oversees and makes sure that the Review Archive is constantly updated, the banners on the sidebars change, and that the giveaway alerts vanish as they pass. Well, believe it or not (even though you have no choice but to believe it), THE ADMIN ROLE WENT POOF.

Yes. Just like that poop going poof.
We are currently trying to get the situation underhand, but it's a little less than impossible. One of the most annoying things is that Blogger does not have a direct email for contact. The only way to get some sort of asnwer is through other users who use Blogger. And so far, they haven't been much help. We can still get the content we need up, there's just no way for you to trace it easily now. Also, this might just be a personal issue, but my Schedule option is messed up. Everytime I schedule a blog post that should be up when I can't post it, it doesn't work. I've just about given up on things. We promise to update you with any progress, but until then...
Enjoy your recompensation Kaede is giving you out of the kindness of her heart.
I will be personally (unless either Sarah or Isabelle wants to do this) undertaking the role of posting either weekly or monthly re-caps of what happened through the week or month. On the bottom of the post should be a room for labels or tags. They will have one tag, and one tag only. Wrap-up. Note that. Put it in your planner. Write it on your forehead. Whatever. *shrugs* Whatever floats your boat. The wrap-up post will feature all the posts done that week/month by each of tus here at Wake Up at Seven. So it'll probably look it bit like this:
• So and so.
• So and so.
And so on. There'll be different categories. I still haven't figured out all the details ye - you know what? You'll see when the first post is up! :p
But you know, that's not it. Because I'm awesome, and to make up for this inconvenience. I'll be hosting a small giveaway. A SMALL ONE.
Also, I'm not using Rafflecopter. However, the winner will be chosen at random with random.org and will be contacted directly by email. Their identity will only be revealed at their discretion. And I also cannot stress this enough: If you are 13 years old or younger, please make sure you have parental permission to enter this giveaway. I do this to make sure that you are free to give out your address so that I can ship your prize to you, and that I won't get a strongly worded email from your upset parents that their darling child received a package from an unknown stranger.
And of course, cheating gets you disqualified. Only those who play by the rules ever amount to anything. Trust me. I know. And trust me on this too - I will know if you cheat. I always do. * cue wicked laughter*
So the prizes. Cause everyone only cares about the prize. Admit it. I do too, you know.
If you are the lucky winner, you will be receiving:
• A SIGNED copy of Delirium by Lauren Oliver.
• A copy of Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan .
• A copy of Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan.
Now on to the rules.
• You MUST be a follower of Wake Up at Seven, as this is a recompensation giveaway for our awesome followers and readers.
• You will be given 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
• If you are 13 years old or younger, have parental permission. If you're 18 years old or older, well, all the better for you then.
Simple and easy, no?
The winner will be contacted the following day.
Well, that's it.
Kaede signing out.
Contact Kaede: kimberlyho75@yahoo.com
Any feedback or questions? I'd love to hear from you! Just send that email!
That's really sad to hear :| but I know you guys can do this, Wake Up at Seven is awesome! :D
ReplyDeleteLeigh | Little Book Star
That's sad to hear! ;( I hope everything works out in end!
ReplyDeleteEmail; haileyhellikelli12345@gmail.com
Aw I hope everything will work out! I know you guys will be able to bounce back and be up and running in no time! :)
ReplyDeleteGFC: laceyblossom
ReplyDeletethank you!!! ily.
Also- really hopes everything works out.
GFC: Briana
email: animelover790@hotmail.com
GFC: Nikki
Thank you! :D And hope everything turns out right. :D
ReplyDeleteGFC: TayteH
Email: thunter_5@yahoo.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tayte5/status/260076021603258368
Blog post: http://tayteh.blogspot.com/2012/10/killing-two-birds-with-one-stone-31.html
Thank you!
GFC: Abbey Ann
Hope everything works out. GFC: Jennifer Kelly. Email: jenilpk4@yahoo.com